How to Get the $35 e-Voucher from Trust Bank SG?
Trust Bank is by Standard Chartered and NTUC.

Step 1: Download ‘Trust Bank SG’ app.
Step 2: Tap on ‘Use Referral Code’ immediately after you start the app. You can use my code: 8FDXXVFU
(You and me will each get S$10 FairPrice E-Voucher).
Step 3: Apply for savings account or credit card. Get another S$25 FairPrice E-Voucher on your first card spend. You get a Debit card for savings account.
You can also connect your TRUST card to Google Pay and Apple Pay so that you can pay using your handphone by tapping at the terminal instead of waiting for the physical card. Get the $25 NTUC e-voucher when you make a transaction using the TRUST VISA card for payment or purchasing anything from online retailers.
Find out more on Trust Bank SG website.
➡️ Watch for more details:
Trust Bank is the new digital bank is by Standard Chartered and NTUC.
DPM Lawrence Wong at the Official Launch of Trust Bank